Ningas Kugon in Filipino Artists

Ningas kugon is a known trait common among the Filipino people. This kind of mentality is a lack of sustained perseverance in a given subject. The word ningas means fire or spark, meanwhile kugon/cogon is a type of grass that burns down easily. The trait is meant to describe how one’s passion in a topic burns down as quick as the cogon grass. 

There is a trend among artists wherein some of them would start on various projects and WIPs (Work-In-Progress), however after a short while they will put the project on hold and begin a new one. There are also other cases where the artist would stop in arts completely to pursue other careers, despite their talent in the field. During the pandemic, many Filipinos were locked up within their homes, giving them time to go back to arts. However, after a short time, they stopped. It could be due to personal struggles or burnout. Ningas kugon, in general, would be an interesting topic to delve into as it does not only affect Filipino artists. This is a trait that affects many Filipinos, especially students. In relation to Filipino Psychology, it is known that this field is rooted in the lived experiences, ideas, and cultural orientation of the Filipino people. With this in mind, it would be deemed relevant to study behaviors that are common among the Filipino, giving reason as to why ningas kugon should be further explored by researchers.

On the one hand, ningas kugon is somehow evident in Filipino artists. There could be various reasons as to why Filipino artists discontinue their pursuance for the arts. It is common for Filipino artists to be demotivated due to the overall lack of perceived importance to arts. Many Filipino artists often hear the phrases “Drawing ka ng drawing, mag-aral ka nga”, “Madali lang naman yan, magdodrawing ka lang”, “Buti pa si ganito-ganyan, nag-doktor/abogado/engineer”—most of the time, people would put more value on other “higher-paying” professions. I believe crab mentality, another common Filipino trait, could also be taken into account for these kinds of behaviors. 

Additionally, unlike in other countries, a lot of artists in the Philippines are underpaid, sometimes even haggled to give in to lower rates. Many of the older generation would discourage their children to pursue arts as a career because they believe that they wouldn’t survive with an artist’s rate. The lack of importance towards the arts would be a prime motivator for the people to discontinue arts, despite having the talent for it.

It is important to bring light to this topic as it is a relevant issue in the Philippines. Among art communities, the lack of motivation in arts is a popular theme. Although there are still several artists who pursue their passion, there are still those who do not. Art, in itself, is also an important field. It brings life and romance to our everyday endeavors. Colors and murals bring life to what could have been bland walls on the streets. Films and multimedia arts bring freedom of expression and radical ideals that could change people’s mindsets for the better. There are various ways on how the arts could improve everyone’s day-to-day lives.

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