
“Dalagang Filipina” Mentality: Reimagining and Exploring The Ideal Filipina

When we hear about Maria Clara from Dr. Jose Rizal’s “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo,” her characterization is often pure, delicate, the epitome of femininity, rooted in the image of the “ideal Filipina” during the 1800s. This article seeks to challenge that mindset and bring light to the Filipino heroines

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In the world where perfection is demanded of women, every step they take seems to be a tightrope walk between contradictory expectations. Striving to embody the elusive ideal of perfection, they navigate a labyrinth of societal norms, each step laden with judgment and scrutiny.

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Php 600

A short story tackling the effects of the current healthcare system to the average Filipino.

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The gates of hell

If I were to live a life of bliss under the biased conditions of GodTo live while others are harmed in the processThen I will freely knock on the gates of helland say “Let me in for I have sinned”

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It’s difficult for a lot of people to understand the unfortunate because they never heard their stomach protest its emptiness; Because they never knew what it was like to lose something, or have nothing left to lose; Or maybe they did, but their noses had been clogged by the fragrance of privilege and opportunity; Maybe […]

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